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  • The AI industry chain behind ChatGPT


    Recently, a chat robot called "ChatGPT" has become famous in the semiconductor industry. This AI program, launched by the artificial intelligence laboratory Open AI at the end of November last year, received more than 1 million registrations within 5 days of its launch, and exceeded 100 million by t Read More
  • Why are chips SQUARE and wafers ROUND?


    Why do some wafers have no chips on the outer ring, while some wafer circuits spread the entire silicon wafer, and there will be incomplete chips on the outer ring of the wafer? Friends who are familiar with the semiconductor manufacturing process know that before the chip is cut and packaged, all t Read More
  • China’s semiconductor output shrinks as Covid-19 lockdowns disrupt production, crimp demand


    · The nation’s output of integrated circuits in April declined 12.1 per cent year on year to 25.9 billion units, the lowest since December 2020, according to official data· Some of the country’s largest manufacturers have seen their assembly lines paralysed by disrupted supply chains and clogged log Read More